Monday, May 2, 2011

Bike Path

On Saturday, Tracy, Amy, and I set out, not knowing exactly where to go or how far to run. We headed to the bike bath (2 miles), continued past the Lock (3), went under the bridge (5) and to the train depot (6). We decided to keep our pace at 10 minutes/mile because it's good for training--go slow and long, and use speed for intervals, track workouts, etc. It was difficult to run that slow. We found ourselves at 9:30. The bike path was quite busy with bike traffic, joggers, and dog walkers. There were ARMY (reservists? possibly) soldiers training, and we cheered them on as they were being timed. On our way back, we laughed because the 10 minute pace seemed so s l o w going out but faster on the return. By the time we reached the baseball fields (9 miles) we were spent. Tracy made the mistake of saying that Dan was at the fields for practice, and we thought we could jump in his car and head back to Starbucks where our cars were. No such luck. No Dan. Amy's IT Band was hurting so we slowed down and we had a nice chatty jog/walk the rest of the way home.

Later that afternoon Jack had his baseball game. He rocked! He was down from having gotten cut from the travel baseball team and it was really great to see him have fun and do so well. He seems to enjoy first base and it's good for him to handle the ball more there than in the outfield. Beautiful night. We went to Smokey Bones for dinner. They post calories on the menu, and I decided against my usual Smokehouse burger (2,400+) calories and chose a warm spinach salad with steak (750) instead. Couldn't resist the Sam Adams lager, however!

On Sunday, Haley and I headed to the bike path. Hanna and Jack wanted to go too but had hockey. Poor Haley, she has probably grown a foot since last year and her knees practically hit the handle bars. She was a trooper. We went to the depot and stopped by the Lock on the way back(Lock 7 of the Erie Canal; Jack used to love going there for picnics when he was in preschool). The water was up but no boats were passing through.

I spent the afternoon staining wood for the mudroom cabinets which didn't go so well - stinky, sticky, sloppy. I can paint but not stain. More coats needed. SIGH. Left the staining for Hanna's soccer game. Very exciting! The girl can play. I love watching her evolve as an athlete. She has great natural ability and now that she has a few years under her belt she is really beginning to understand the game, anticipate, and execute. We left the game to go to Jack's cub scout moving up ceremony. Good tips on camping which we'd like to do this summer. Mike is trying to plan a trip to CO to go white water rafting.

Finished the weekend at Amy's with a bottle of chardonnay.

Today I brought my swimming stuff to work but didn't take the time to go to the pool. Cold and rainy, and I had lots to do in the office. Maybe tomorrow. It's been two weeks since I've been in pool.

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